Honestly I am really upset with the conservatives supporting S-210...........part of that bill includes the use of facial recognition software......a slippery slope to digital ID....no use of VPN's is also problematic...this is a slippery slope which could eventually lead to everyone having to submit to facial recognition software........foot in the door tactic....resulting in more surveillance by the state and more state control and power... Canadians need less censorship and more truth....we all can see the disaster of bills C-10 and C-11

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I believe their movements are deliberate, although completely insane. Cozying up to China is an example. Day after day they work on demolishing Canada as we have known it. Once, when going to school, you applied for a Canada Student loan. Now it is a National Student Loan. Why? Sounds like something from the socialist/communists playbook. Bring back our proud, strong and God-fearing Nation and all she stands for. Anyone who thinks things are going okay in Canada is very naïve. Listening to the mainstream media normalizes bizarre propaganda. I am praying for a turn-around where lying, sleazy politicians are a thing of the past in our country and people once again can think and be free.

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